What's New

This is a record of what is new on the website. Entries are in reverse time sequence, so the newest modifications are at the top. Check here first to see if there's anything you haven't seen yet, or if you want to know what has been updated.


I've added music on the Music page for all of our albums so far, even the ones we haven't really gotten down and recorded in a pro manner yet. So you can click on 'Music' and see all 6 albums with the tracks on them. (The 6th is a work still in progress, but you can hear what's been written/recorded so far).

I've added a player for our music posted to our Soundclick site. Unless your web filtering blocks Soundclick, or you do not have Java enabled, you should have heard and seen the player right away as you came to the main page.
If for some reason those are blocked, you can actually hear more tracks individually on our Music page than you can on our Soundclick page/player.


LOTS of changes posted today!
Added a cool piano keyboard menu on the left, that I made myself. I gleaned some public-domain code off the internet to do it. Amazing what you can do with notepad and MS Paint. (if you don't have Java enabled, you won't see any effects, you can get Java by using the link on the HOME page...)

Added a Terms of Use page, and a Gospel Message page.

Added some sample tracks from our second album that we are working on. Hopefully it will be available at our church by Easter, and on the Internet a few weeks after that. The picture of the watch is now 'clickable' and you can preview the tracks.

(Incidentally, have had several folks ask why the first album is still not up on iTunes. Well, the short answer is that I'm getting some final tweaking done this week to it before sending it out, because after it goes to iTunes it cannot be changed at ALL. (Artwork, sound, mix, anything.
Look for the Painted On Smiles to be out by the third week in February.

Added a Guestbook for folks to post comments and hellos on.


Added a WinAMP plug-in so you can listen to our sample tracks while buzzing around the site. The control is in the Top Bar so it will continue playing (unfortunately) if you launch other clips, so be sure to hit the 'Stop' button if you want to hear some other audio clip elsewhere.


Corrected some stuff on the site, added some bio info on each band member, and added the cutesy title clip and background artwork from some photos shot at the park.


Well, the Music site is up and running. Buzz through and check it out. There are song clips to download, decent tablature for guitar (You DO play guitar, don't you?), and hopefully someday soon album labels and links to iTunes.

Currently I am in pursuit of getting my first album ready for prime time (with the help of my brothers) and perhaps ready in time for the Christmas season. Look for it later on www.independentbands.com

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©2006 Christopher M. Solaas - All Rights Reserved
Last Updated