Harbortown 5K
Ah, yes, Harbortown, a beautiful neighborhood with a high dollar pricetag to go with the absolutely beautiful view.
I can't afford to live here, folks, but I can run by and enjoy the view.

Here's a view from the race start area of the 'Big-M' Bridge. Now a Memphis Landmark, after 30-odd years. It's beautiful
when it's lighted up, and green when it's not.

Here's a handsome fellah in his new Nike-fit hat (Some of the 'swag' that came with registration for this run,
it more than made up the cost of the ticket. These hats are light as air, and breathe like, well, me after a 5K.
(If a hat can 'gasp'...) - Check out that cool shirt he's got. Want one too? you can get it through www.c25k.com

With the camera held high, it's obvious that a LOT of people came out to run.
There are at least 1200 people out and ready to run. Most of them are in better shape than
me, but I know I'm going to be able to complete this run, having run 5Ks now for 3 weeks on 'week 9'.

So, the starting signal goes off. It's a police siren. Surprise, it's not a gun.
Watch the startup video...
Here's a view as I run by the river. The startout track was 3/4 mile down the riverfront, then a turn into Harbortown.
Check out the scenery on the video...
The race course cut back upon itself and across itself at right angles. Very strange, yet it all worked and noone
seemed to wish to cheat. Though by the end of the race I was flat worn out...

After the race a lot of folks had an after-race party. There were a couple trucks with taps all along the side of the truck,
Truck on Tap. Not my speed, so I boogied out to the car with the family to head for dinner and bed. And maybe a shower before bed.
On the way to the car, I HAD to get a shot of the river at Sunset:

Ands on the way off Mud Island and Harbortown, I took a shot of the Pyramid. It's a beautiful Memphis Landmark, though
it's an object of much ridicule because it's currently unused and I think unpaid-for. Lot of conjecture about what
purpose the old pyramid will serve in years to come. Long as they don't bury somebody in it, I'll be ok with it...

In case you were wondering, my final time was (I think) 31:19 which is not a bad time for me, I've been averaging about 32:44.