Couch to 5K - Christian Indie Tracks
Frequently asked Questions
I'm going to put down any reasonable questions I get here with honest answers. If you want to leave me a question here
I will do my best to answer it. Just click on THIS LINK to send me
a question. Put in the subject line that it concerns the C25K Tracks.
If you don't get an answer inside 48 hours, I'm either on vacation or your question may have been too offensive to
make it through my spam filter. ;-)
How do I get this music into iTunes?
Downloading and installing MP3s to your iTunes and iPod couldn't be easier.
I'm going to reference another website which explains this well. If you follow their directions you should be fine.
Follow the simple steps outlined on this page:
How To Download and Synch.pdf
This is a PDF document, most computers can open that.